Class Calendar

To see details about each class, including teachers’ names and concluding times, please click on that class listing in the embedded calendar below: this version of our schedule is always the most updated, including any substitute teachers or, in rare cases, cancelations. For an overview of the month’s schedule as published at the beginning of the month, just scroll to the image.

In addition to this section of our website, we offer three other ways to obtain our schedule:

  1. For a PDF copy, sign up to be on our email list.
  2. For a printed copy, stop by The Pots Place or the studio.
  3. For a downloadable image file and to see a reminder of each day’s schedule, check our Facebook page.

Course fee, length, and location:  unless otherwise noted, all yoga classes are $10, last for 70 minutes, welcome drop-ins, and meet in the studio upstairs at The Pots Place (428 East Main Street, Bowling Green, KY). Yoga nidra sessions last 45 minutes.

Mats and props:  we provide yoga mats and props (e.g., blankets, blocks, straps, and bolsters) for no additional charge—just help yourself from the props closet! Of course, you are always welcome to bring your own if you prefer.

Introduction to Yoga: if you’re looking for an affordable and accessible introduction or re-introduction to yoga, check out Angie’s special offer for an Intro to Yoga class! Read more about this special class on this post, or, if you’re ready to sign up, complete this brief form.

Calendar presentation of current month's yoga schedule.